Acupuncture For You! - Medical/Health in Windham

Acupuncture For You!

Carol Ann Thompson provides Acupuncture and other modalities of Oriental Medical treatment such as Acupressure Massage, Cupping, Moxibustion, Corrective Exercises, and Dietary/ Herbal suggestions. She also individually provides fasting/cleansing outpatient programs. She does make house if the need arises. Cosmetic Acupuncture is the newest and latest addition to her practice and the patients love it. I hope you will choose her on your journey…

Carol’s skillful application of acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure massage, herbs, oriental treatments and natural therapies can reduce pain, initiate self-healing, increase vitality, and strengthen the body’s ability to resist disease. Her ability to discover the root of the problem and design a guided program of natural self-healing can lead to true and lasting health.

Services: Traditional Oriental Medicine has been around for almost 5,000 years. Carol Ann Thompson usually uses a combination of these services with her patients to achieve optimal healthe.

Acupuncture: Most Common therapy whereby fine metal needles are inserted into certain body points to readjust the person’s energy in order to allow the body to heal itself. The root of most chronic illness is the imbalance of our internal energy flow. Acupuncture works to regulate this energy flow by inserting special needles into the body at precisely chosen points. Acupuncture is very beneficial for controlling blood circulation, internal organ functions, body chemistry, hormone levels and the nervous system.


P. O. Box 728, Windham, NY 12496

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